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Equal, Greater or Less Than

As well as the familiar equals sign (=) it is also very useful to show if something is not equal to (≠) greater than (>) or less than (<)

Here is a summary:

SymbolWordsExample Use



 1 + 1 = 2


 not equal to

 1 + 1 = 1



 greater than

 6 > 3


 less than

 5 < 9



 greater than or equal to

 x ≥ 1


 less than or equal to

 y ≤ 3

To remember which way around they go, just remember BIG>small or small<BIG:

Why would you use these?

Because there are things you do not know exactly, but can still say something about.

Example 1: Paul has $10 and he is going shopping. How much will she spend (without credit)?

Answer: Something greater than, or possibly equal to $0 and less than or possibly equal to $10:

Paul Spends ≥ $0
Paul Spends ≤ $10

This can be written down in just one line

$0 ≤ Paul Spends ≤ $10

(note that "≥" had to be flipped over to "≤" when we put it before what Paul spends - always make sure the small end points to the small value)

 Example 2: Paul comes back with something he has bought and says "and I got change". How much did she spend?

Answer: Something greater than $0 and less than $10 (but NOT $0 or $10):

$0 < Paul Spends < $10

 Example 3: What is x+3, when you know that x is greater than 1?

If x > 1 , then x+3 > 4

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