Word Groupings
These words are grouped in relationship to everyday events.
- Numbers / Ngā Tau
- Colours / Ngā Tae
- Days / Ngā rā
- Months / Ngā marama
- Seasons / Ngā wāhanga o te tau
- Place Names / Ingoa Wāhi
- General Terms
- House / Whare
- Living Room / Te Taiwhanga Noho / Nohomanga
- The Kitchen / Te Taiwhanga Tao / Taomanga / Hereumu
- The Dining Area / Te Taiwhanga Kai / Kai Manga
- The Bathroom / Te Kaumanga
- Bedroom / Te Taiwhanga Moe / Moemanga
- Laundry / Whare Horoi Weruweru
- Fruits / Huarākau
- Meat - Kiko Karaehe / Poultry - Kiko Manu / Seafood - Kai Moana
- Vegetables / Huawhenua / Manga
- Cooking Verbs / Kupu Mahi Tao
- Idioms / Kīwaha
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